for Rahu and Kethu, naga Dosam Kuja Dosam for (mangal Dosam)
Nava Nagendra Homam itself denotes the nine celestial bodies which have been the center to all the astrological calculations in Indian Astrology. The nine planets namely the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planetsRahu and Ketu constitute the significant and most noteworthyNava Nagendra Homam. This Homam is important because these nine “grahas” play a remarkable role in a person’s horoscope. They control his/her desires, karmas and their outcomes. The homam helps in reducing the negative effects (dasha) of the planets thus improving the positive energies related to a person. Hence, the Nava Nagendra Homam delights the nine planets playing a vital role in deciding and directing a person’s lifetime.